Kin 80: Yellow Lunar Sun (guided by the Human) / Magnetic Moon 22 / August 16

Happy 25th anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence – Aug 16, 17 1987… Today is the 2nd day of the Storm wavespell… Lunar Sun asks us to stabilise the chaos of the Storm by becoming independant, choosing to walk in sovereignty on the earth… To allow the sunshine to allow us to be in our bodies, […]

Kin 79: Blue Magnetic Storm (self guided) / Magnetic Moon 21 / Aug 15

God Morning beloved kin… Today we begin a new 13 day cycle/wavespell with Blue Magnetic Storm… As a magnet attracts energy, so today we attract the energy of change by generating a lot of energy in this new cycle… The first day of a cycle sets the tone for the following 13 days, so expect […]

Kin 78: White Cosmic Mirror (guided by the Wind) / Magnetic Moon 20 / Aug 14

Good Morning Planetary Kin… White Cosmic Mirror is the 13th day of the Worldbridger wavespell… On the 13th day the work is done and we hold presence of the original purpose of surrender, letting go to allow opportunities for the right connections… To be a pure truly aligned in the truth to allow spirits messages […]

Kin 76: Yellow Spectral Warrior (self guided) / Magnetic Moon 18 / Aug 12

Good Morning Kin… My blogs are being liberated, as I learn how to access many different worlds within the web and link and bring in many other sites that highlight the energies of each day, I trust you will find increasing enjoyment and understanding with these blogs thru these worldbridging actions, and feel free to […]

Kin 239: Blue Overtone Storm (guided by the Hand) / Spectral 6 / May 7

Good Morning Kin all over the planet… Today is the 5th day of the Eagle wavespell… On the fifth day we empower the original purpose… So today we empower the creative minds capacity to envision the greater picture through allowing the transformation of what we do, allowing all that we are accomplishing to generate more […]

Kin 238: White SelfExisting Mirror (guided by the Wizard) / Spectral 5 / May 6

Mornin All.. Today is the fourth day of the 13 day cycle of the Eagle… Today we work primarily on the mental plane, where the mind is re-aligned in order to become receptive to higher dimensional energies, becoming a reflector for many dimensions and with its reflective nature, only the highest aligned truths are received… […]