Kin 118: White Magnetic Mirror

The White Magnetic Mirror begins the 13-day cycle of the White Mirror Wavespell, where all that is extraneous to survival, gets stripped away. Reflecting the buy soma online cheap endless order of reality, through the many dimensions of perfection and aligning pattern. The Mirror Wavespell prepares a channel for joy to be present, in the following 13-day […]

Kin 117, Red Cosmic Earth

Red Cosmic Earth is the presence of deep gratitude for the evolution of Pacha Mama, with dedicated breath in service to her ever-evolving cycles… Red Cosmic Earth is the 13th and final day of the Serpent Wavespell. Here the presence of survival is felt as a capacity to listen and respond to the cycles of evolution […]


We have begun the 13-day cycle of the Red Serpent Wavespell… So let us look at the codes of this cycle to see what they conjure up… Knowing that from Day 2 of the cycle, for 10 days, the dimensional doorways will be open as new energy is poured onto the planet, keeping us on our toes, […]

How to Use this Site!

Welcome to TimeWaves… This site is full of archives written over the years on particular days, that can now be used to enquire deeper into any particular ‘Kin’ number on the Mayan Dreamspell Tzolkin (13:20 Harmonic Matrix)… You can use this to acquaint yourself with Purpose and Life Path, through  revelations received on any particular day […]

Experience of Kin 118: White Magnetic Mirror

So how did you all enjoy the intensity of that Serpent cycle,  I am still reeling!!! Perhaps as we enter this Mirror cycle with White Magnetic Mirror, we may allow all that raw life-force to enter into our pineal glands and fully activate our connection to multi-dimensional omniverses… Yep that sounds like a great thing […]