Kin 247: Blue Cosmic Hand (Thursday 17 October / Electric Moon 28 Silio)

Rainbow Bridge Meditation day is always the 28th day of each of the 13 Moons… Today also happens to be the 13th day of the Eagle wave spell of Vision… So today we complete a Moon and a Wavespell, a wonderful synchronicity… Today we are guided to trust that indeed the greater healing IS happening, […]

Kin 235: Blue Magnetic Eagle (Saturday 5 October / Electric Moon 16 Seli)

Beloved Kin… And so we begin a new cycle, the cycle of the Eagle… Today we attract the bigger picture, envisioning new horizons with our creative minds… Pre-dawn we attract a willingness to co-create with others, our collect dreamtime… A capacity to be as the seed, full of the potential of the forest, with the […]

Kin 233: Red Crystal Skywalker (Thursday 3 October / Electric Moon 14 Silio)

Good morning planetary kin… Today is the 12th day of the 13-day Wind wavespell… Crystal days are great days for meeting with others and sharing, as on these days there is generally no agendas, as all has been manifested and released… It is a great day to gather where the main agenda is to co-operate […]

Kin 232: Yellow Spectral Human (Wednesday 2 October / Electric Moon 13 Limi)

God/dess morning to all… Today is the 11th day of the 13-day cycle of the Wind, the 11th day always brings with it emotional release… And today we are liberating spirit through making choices that have been informed by the communication of the past 10 days … A day to release and let go all […]

Kin 231: Blue Planetary Monkey (Tue October 1 / Electric Moon 12 Alpha)

Top of the morning to you all… Today is the 10th day of the Wind wavespell and today we manifest, manifest, manifest! So what does manifesting Spirit look like? Well when we look to the codes, we see the Monkey… The Monkey represents what it is to play, to be childlike, to trust in magic… […]

Kin 230: White Solar Dog (Monday 30 September / Electric Moon 11 Kali)

Today is the 9th and peak day of this Wind wave spell, as the previous 8 days have built the energy of spirit to be pulsing strongly through us today… And in my physical reality the Wind outside is huge… Today we realise that Spirit communicates through us when we are surrendered to the heart, […]

Kin 229: Red Galactic Moon (Sunday 29 Sept / Electric Moon 10 Gamma)

Today is the 8th day of the Wind wavespell… Today we integrate what it is to allow Spirit to channel through us, through exploring the finer sensitivities of input into our minds… Sensitive to the thought forms that flow through and to the purity which brings the feeling of expanding our minds to a pure […]

Kin 228: Yellow Resonant Star (Saturday 28 September / Electric Moon 9 Seli)

Good Morning Planetary Star beings… Today is the 7th day of the Wind wave spell, the cycle where the wind that blows through our pure consciousness carries messages of spirit… The 7th day is always the day of inspiration, as we bubble up and open even more to all that may want to channel through […]