Kin 161: Red Overtone Dragon (Tuesday 23 July)

Today we can command the flow of purification to seep as far back as we can imagine, that it may become the mighty tide that empowers and nurtures our creations to birth now and in the future…. Today we birth our capacity to flow with synchronicity in our lives, to be listening for the signs […]

Kin 159: Blue Electric Storm (Sunday 21 July)

So beloveds a dear brother of mine passed away, a wild and beautiful spirit, Red Lunar Dragon, a strong Kali man with a tenderness and heart masked by his wonderful wild exterior… I love you Jack, your spirit has always been my Strength… So today there is ample energy available for change as we delve […]

Kin 158: White Lunar Mirror (Saturday 20 July)

Today we polarise our navigational journeys, by clearing our temples, the places we inhabit, in order to reflect a loving environment, one that we and others are drawn to merge in and with… We may look to clearing all that is not needed that does not support our Earth journey, all that has stayed with […]

Kin 157: Red Magnetic Earth (Friday 19 July)

Welcome to the Red Earth cycle where we get to explore synchronicity and what it is to truly listen, expanding our consciousness beyond old limitations of time… To open our ears and consciousness to cycles, spinning now, before and into the future, expanding our awareness to bring in understanding of evolution as we stand in […]

Kin 155: Blue Crystal Eagle (Wednesday 17 July 2013)

Today holds the capacity for the most divine vision of community and how to live in New Time community that allows for the ebbs and flows of all peoples evolution, by always looking to the highest potential and most positive reality of all that occurs… The capacity to do this in a very real way […]

Kin 152: Yellow Solar Human (Sunday 14 July 2013)

So beautiful people, here I am in Perth, Australia… After feeling such gratitude to Bali for holding me in its beauty and grace, the humble beauty of the Balinese people as they hold space in their deep and real everyday spiritual practise of prayer, tangibly anchoring the harmonic matrix for our planet… I put out […]

Kin 150: White Resonant Dog (Friday 12 July)

Today is the 5th day in the run of 10 GAP days, and so the energy is building again… It feels there is little reprieve from the intensity of life these last 3 wavespells… The times are hotting up as we reach to the end of the 13 Moon year on the Day Out of […]

Kin 149: Red Rhythmic Moon (Thursday 11 July)

A flowing day, where water organises the molecules of information in our bodies to flow more, as we cleanse, clean and wash all of the physical world around us and through us, to become sparkly and available to the flow of life… This day we organise for balance in our physical bodies by going with […]

Kin 146: White Electric Worldbridger (Monday July 8)

Electric today, activating energy in motion (e-motion) to order to serve in co-creating the new… Serving through connecting people with others that can open doorways and opportunities that advance whatever their co-creations are… Networking beloveds with each other… Activating the new time through grouping the right people together… Surrendering to the heart to serve the […]

Kin 144: Yellow Magnetic Seed (Saturday, July 6)

Welcome to the 13-day cycle that initiates our capacity to co-create the new time… The Seed focuses its energy on drawing deep earth energy up through its roots in order to grow into the light of day and further to flower in an ever-growing awareness of the light… Focusing all its intention to reaching to […]