Kin 126: White Solar Worldbridger (Tuesday 18 June)

Ah to let go and let god… The absolute bliss and ecstasy that beckons us from beyond the veils… To  follow the breath in and out to source and the cosmos… This is what today, the 9th day of the Mirror wavespell  promises, as it abides in the central column of the Tzolkin, the place where […]

Kin 125: Red Galactic Serpent (Monday 17 June)

Today is the 8th day of the Mirror cycle/wavespell… As such this Galactic Serpent integrates direct honesty, where the instinctual mind flows up and out, igniting pure reflection… The fight or flight mechanism that allows pure brilliance to be revealed in the moment… It can be sharp and to the point and in this, access to pure […]

Kin 124: Yellow Resonant Seed (Sunday 16 June)

Today is the  7th day of the Mirror wavespell…  So we are inspired to reflect the  truth of higher potential we see… Inspiring all to let go fear and allow the truth of our potential to be seen and watered, to grow into the mighty trees we are here to be, fearlessly co-creating the New Time… […]

Kin 122: White Overtone Wind (Friday 14 June 2013)

So today is a great day to unleash our creativity by giving up any sense of ‘I’, any identifying of self as separate from all of creation, in order to become a pure channel of Gods truth…  Today is the 5th day of the Mirror wavespell… A day of receiving the radiance and empowerment of spirits […]

Kin 121: Red SelfExisting Dragon (Thursday 13 June 2013)

We are in day 4 of the Mirror cycle/wavespell, and the first day of the central column of the Tzolkin, as such we can hope for a time of balance over the next 20 days, the calm in the midst of the storm of this powerful year… So today we clear the mirror even more as […]

Kin 120: Yellow Electric Sun (Wednesday 12 June 2013)

Today is the 3rd day of the Mirror wavespell… A day of activating independence as we are guided to focus on co-creating with others… Illuminating our feelings as we strip away all till we get to the essence of each emotion, this encourages our capacity to shine our lights independently… A day to reflect upon the […]

Kin 113: Red Solar Skywalker (Wednesday, June 5)

Today is the 9th day of the Serpent cycle, and 8th GAP day… Today we ride the current of the pulse of life force as it flows up to explore the expansive realms of the cosmos, unbound by the physical dimension, to become multi-dimensional non-linear, radial ripples of awakening consciousness, exploring throughout the Universes… In […]

Kin 112: Yellow Galactic Human (Tuesday June 4)

The 8th day of the Serpent wavespell, and the 7th GAP day brings the wisdom born of yesterdays intensity… As we integrate and honour our experiences, by fearlessly choosing to focus on our capacity to influence creation, and choose all that is enlivening to our lives, ensuring increased life force and survival… Pre-dawn we may […]

Kin 111: Blue Resonant Monkey (Monday June 3)

Today is the 7th day of the 13-day cycle of the Serpent and the 6th of the GAP days, in this cycle of kundalini, life force, survival and intensity… Today we become inspired to trust the abundance that is born of our deep connection to the dreaming of our planet ‘Abundance for all Beings’… Being […]

Kin 110: White Rhythmic Dog (Sunday June 2)

Day 5 of the GAP days… Today survival is understood by our need for others, for family, to feel akin and belong with others… It is when there are survival e-merge-ncies that we really know ourselves as a human family.. Here is when we organise ourselves to be with others in order to balance our […]