Kin 26: White Cosmic Worldbridger

Good Morning Planetary Kin… So we are at the 13th and last day of the Wizard wavespell of receptivity and anchoring our chalice of receptivity… Today the presence of this is experienced through surrendering fully to unconditional love, to knowing that all is interconnected in a cosmic web that avails us opportunities to open doorways […]

Kin 25: Red Crystal Serpent

Good Morning Planetary Kin… So 4 days off the transmissions, I am being called to return and share of the last days of this Wizard wavespell of receptive anchoring… Today works us primarily on the mental plane, the highest level of mind, the minds capacity to operate with other mind, in co-operation… This energy has […]

Kin 21: Red Galactic Dragon

Good Morning world… So today is the 8th day of the receptive Wizard cycle… Today we integrate our experiences so far, especially those of yesterday, through the raw minds capacity to jump into our responsibilities in a new way… Responding to fresh stimuli with new raw energy, to those things that our ours to take […]

Kin 20: Yellow Resonant Sun

Good Morning Planetary Kin… Today is the 7th day of the Wizard/Shamanic wavespell… It is a Galactic Activation Portal and also one of the 13 signs that was places on the tomb lid of Pacal Votan in Palenque, oh so long ago, as a sign of something potent… Today we are inspired to choose emotional […]

Kin 19: Blue Rhythmic Storm

Good Morning Planetary Kin… So now I have caught up with myself, I will share todays energy… Today we face the chaos of lots of transformation on the physical plane… You may awake this morning with a lot of energy generating, ready to leap into the world, with not too much direction, but a sense […]

Kin 18: White Overtone Mirror

Good Morning Planetary Kin… I am the next day, but it feels important to follow this shamanic cycle through day by day… So for me yesterday was a day where the power of surrendering to truth was clear… The shamanic path is empowered when we are able to cut through any resistance to receiving the […]

Kin 17: Red SelfExisting Earth

Hi Planetary Kin… So today I am writing in the late afternoon after a strong day of diving deep and awakening my roots and bloodlines on this first day of Mooning… I am attending a 40-day Womb Awakening online course that is blowing my mind, as it offers powerful ceremonies that are bringing deep experiences […]

Kin 15: Blue Lunar Eagle

I Polarize in order to Create Stabilizing Mind I seal the Output of Vision With the Lunar tone of Challenge I am Guided by the Power of Accomplishment Good morning planetary kin… Today is the 2nd day of the Wizard wavespell… Today we face the challenge of anchoring our receptive state into the physical dimension… […]

Kin 14: White Magnetic Wizard

Good Morning beloved Kin… Welcome to a new 13-day wave spell, the weave-spell of the Wizard, where we set the spell for deep receptivity, to anchor portals of connection to many dimensions… The Shamanic cycle of timeless enchantment, open to infinite potentials and possibilities attracted to us through pure and open receptivity… Predawn the serpent […]

Kin 12: Yellow Crystal Human

Good Morning Planetary Kin… Today is the 12th day of both the Dragon wavespell and the 260-day Tzolkin… The twelfth Crystal day works primarily on the highest level of mind, co-operation and is always a community day, a day where agendas have been released and we are simply here to co-operate, to look to what […]