Kin 178: White Solar Mirror (Friday 9 August / Magnetic Moon 15, Dali)

Today our receptivity reaches new depths, as we reflect upon all realities that come before us, with the untainted truth of a clear mirror… Realising universal love as the capacity to reflect upon reality, stripped bare of falsities, reaching deeply to the truths of the great void that encompasses all there is…   Unconditional love […]

Kin 174: White Overtone Wizard (Monday 5 August)

Beautiful Kin… so today we receive and anchor the power of spirit, thru communication, sound, channeling direct… Here we empower the original purpose of this wavespell – love, heart, loyalty, family – empowered through our capacity to hold receptive space for deep communion to happen, with each other and with spirit… As the spider spins […]

Kin 172: Yellow Electric Human (Saturday 3 August 2013)

Today we are guided to fearlessly choose love, activating the wisdom passed down from every similar choice of our ancestors, those that came before us, gifting us the focus of serving love… In touch with the ancient ancestral wisdom which speaks of our need to love all as family in this interconnected web of tribal […]

Kin 171: Blue Lunar Monkey (Friday 2 July)

Today we are challenged to anchor unconditional love as a reality in our physical world, through trusting our deep in-tuition, trusting what we receive from the unseen realms… We are challenged to trust and anchor that Earths contract of ‘abundance for all beings’ is coming into being… To challenge love by pushing the boundaries of […]

Kin 165: Red Solar Serpent (Saturday 27 July)

Today we pulse with the bristling sensuous energy of responding to our instincts to ensure evolution… The raw life force of our lineages pulsing through us, today carries an intensity of   responding instinctively to the synchronicities that come our way, as a means for survival… Realising ones ability to respond with a very strong […]

Kin 164: Yellow Galactic Seed – Happy New Year (Friday 26 July)

Happy New Year and New Time beloved kin… Today is the 1st day of the New Year and the New Time, as we find it reflected in the astrological map that is reveals the stars gathered as a hexagram around the Earth, celebrating the dawn of a new age, signifying all life coming into balance, […]

Kin 161: Red Overtone Dragon (Tuesday 23 July)

Today we can command the flow of purification to seep as far back as we can imagine, that it may become the mighty tide that empowers and nurtures our creations to birth now and in the future…. Today we birth our capacity to flow with synchronicity in our lives, to be listening for the signs […]

Kin 160: Yellow SelfExisting Sun (Monday 22 July)

Today we define synchronicity with the intelligence of our questioning, to think outside the box…. This leads us to measure our fearless independence to follow the synchronicities of Gaia, as she reveals her messages and timing to us, at work with PachaMama and her cycles… Revealing our highest evolution as we illuminate our minds intelligence […]

Kin 158: White Lunar Mirror (Saturday 20 July)

Today we polarise our navigational journeys, by clearing our temples, the places we inhabit, in order to reflect a loving environment, one that we and others are drawn to merge in and with… We may look to clearing all that is not needed that does not support our Earth journey, all that has stayed with […]

Kin 157: Red Magnetic Earth (Friday 19 July)

Welcome to the Red Earth cycle where we get to explore synchronicity and what it is to truly listen, expanding our consciousness beyond old limitations of time… To open our ears and consciousness to cycles, spinning now, before and into the future, expanding our awareness to bring in understanding of evolution as we stand in […]