Kin 186: White SelfExisting Worldbridger (Saturday 17 August / Magnetic Moon 23 Seli

  Today is the 4th day of the cycle of abundance, where we get to define the energetic form of this purpose of abundance and in-tuition… Here abundance is defined as the capacity to surrender the mind into non-judgement, being guided purely by the messages that come direct from spirit… Surrendering to communicate with worlds […]

Kin 186: White SelfExisting Worldbridger ‘Defining Death’

Good day Planetary Kin… Today is the 4th day of the Night wavespell… The cycle where we delve deep into the hidden unconscious and recover all that we seek to forget… The modern paradigm carries a fear of death, a fear of the passage from one world to another, a fear of the great unknown […]