Lions Gate 8.8, Thoths’ Emerald Tablets & Mayan Calendars

LIONS GATE 8.8.16 I have been seeing many folk talking and writing about the Lions Gate Portal of 8.8, and at the same time speaking of the New Year of 26 July… What astounds me is that, the information is all very generic, there is no detail, no depth, just concepts, no basis for ongoing […]

Kin 232: Yellow Spectral Human (Wednesday 2 October / Electric Moon 13 Limi)

God/dess morning to all… Today is the 11th day of the 13-day cycle of the Wind, the 11th day always brings with it emotional release… And today we are liberating spirit through making choices that have been informed by the communication of the past 10 days … A day to release and let go all […]

Kin 102: White Spectral Wind (May 25, ’13) – Spirits Release

Good Morning beloveds… WOW what a day today, the 11th day of the Human cycle of free will, wisdom and influence… Today we free up and release the extraneous energy of any choices made throughout the past 10 days which may not have been based in the deepest wisdom, by coming into the breath and […]

Kin 102: White Spectral Wind ‘Channeling Freedom’

Ok good morning beloveds… So today I had a wonderful dream, I guess it was wonderful… Anyways I was in a hospital and I knew I had to be there to heal people, as the light that I carried needed to channel through me… There was a lady on a bed with a very bad […]