WHITE WORLDBRIDGER WAVESPELL, Kins 66-78: Galactic Moon 12-24; 18 Feb – 2 March, 2021
To surrender and let go, to allow worlds to be traversed… To alow the unknown and unknowable to beckon us…
How do we bridge worlds, ‘surrendered’, unattached, open to building bridges and opening new doors, initiating into new ways… And so is the teaching of this 13-day cycle we are entering into... Hope to ‘see’ you across one of these worlds I am bridging, as this is the path I walk from birth…
1 MAGNETIC Purpose – WORLDBRIDGER Exploring, Expansion, Awakening
2 LUNAR Stabilising – HAND Knows, Healing, Accomplishment
3 ELECTRIC Activating – STAR Beautifies, Art, Elegance
4 SELFEXISTING Defining – MOON Purifies, Flow, Universal Water
5 OVERTONE Empowering – DOG Loves, Heart, Loyalty
6 RHYTHMIC Balancing – MONKEY Plays, Illusion, Magic
7 RESONANT Inspiring – HUMAN Influences, Wisdom, Free Will
8 GALACTIC Integrating – SKYWALKER Exploring, Expansion, Awakening
9 SOLAR Realising – WIZARD Receptivity, Timelessness, Enchantment
10 PLANETARY Manifesting – EAGLE Vision, Creative, Mind
11 SPECTRAL Liberating – WARRIOR Fearlessness, Intelligence, Quest-i-oning
12 CRYSTAL Co-operating – EARTH Listening, Navigating Synchronicity, Evolution
12 COSMIC Presence – MIRROR Reflects, Endless, Order
As has become my custom of late, I will launch into ‘Story’ to reveal the wisdom of this cycle… Each paragraph numbered buy soma below relates to the codes above, weaving a story of this cycle… May we see ourselves or another within the cycle we are now experiencing… May this story be a guide for you to allow yourself to surrender to consciousness living through you in these 13 days, as a wonderful exploration and evolution of ‘Letting go and Letting god/dess’ – TIS A GOOD DAY TO DIE!
1 Twas thru the passage of childbirth, that great bridge from one world to another, that the soul died and came back to life… Just as its life began, it traveled the road to the bright light, only to find that it was to return to the physical body to traverse another path… And so was gifted a powerful connection to the light, a connection between the worlds… The imprint of this experience brought this soul a deep surrender to life, and death from the beginning of its divine life…
2 The experience played some wreckage on this souls physical body and so in living, healing needed to happen, and the healing needed was extensive, so in the beginning, each day the child experienced the sensation of pain, as the body healed itself… Cells grew and transformed and there was a constant of a lot of energy that moved in her body, really bringing her to be fully embodied very quickly… Hers was a strong initiation into the body…
3 As she grew she found the pain lessened when she was happy and would become more strong if she was not… And so she learnt that she had influence over what she felt, and so would let go of any feelings of discontent or unhappiness fairly quickly, choosing emotions of happiness, realising early that she had choice… And so she began to master her emotions, choosing harmony, as she learnt to be emotionally creative…
4 She became highly sensitised to the thoughts that ensured her survival, and was very sensitive to the thought forms in the collective field… She knew that the door to death was always close at hand and so would work to purify the thought forms in the field around her… And so her mind was pure and simple, as life depended on her capacity to pick things up or let them go very quickly… She was quick to pick up pure streams of consciousness as pointers to survival…
5 With this compassion grew in her, when she saw others with the gift of good health and yet where life did not depend on purity of being, and they were able to indulge in self-hate and exclusion… And she was able to empower those through reflecting the patterns of love and inclusion… She came to find her power in the gift of having to face life and death as a constant… So she came to appreciate and love the place of walking the tightrope and carried deep compassion for others, reflecting truth lovingly to them, with deep understanding… Love radiated from her, with the command of spirit that brought a greater empowerment to herself and others…
6 This brought with it balance through trusting this life, light-heartedly exploring the balance between life and death… This light-hearted joy ensured more balance in her life as she pushed the boundaries between illusion and reality, and connecting deeply to the magic of the physical dimension and the elemental worlds… Pure magic revealing itself to her, through order carisoprodol the nature world… As a jester juggling worlds, she brought joy with her, encouraging others to let go seriousness and play with her in the illusions of the physical reality…
7 From this place of frivolity, she became inspired by the deep wisdom of the plant world and could channel their messages to others… Attuning focus to the infinite possibilities that one could resonate with, once choosing to open to other worlds… She was inspired by the many choices that life gave, and made choices that reached for the highest potentials of growth… In this she inspired many to reach for their highest potential beyond what ‘appeared’ to be possible… With this focus, she connected with many people who were influential in their fields, and so she gained wisdom…
8 Guided by the magic of synchronicity, she explored and expanded her mental capacity to new and awakening thoughts, listening and sharing stories gathered along the way, finding integration of her journey through listening for the right timing to share what she had experienced, so it could have the greatest impact in the stream of sharing… Strong stories received from beyond the veils and from influential people she met on her path, that demanded to be heard with open minds… She found that timing was everything in sharing these messages, for if shared when people were not open, it was as ‘pearls before swine’ and a dishonouring to the mastery of ‘Story’ to open, awaken and weave…
9 And so she realised herself as a bridge, pulsing the webs weave of connection through sharing, inclusive of all – shadows, that which is unloved and all that was hidden… Holding space for all to unravel and find its true path home to the heart… She became a timeless receptive portal, guided by unconditional love as the pulse, revealing connections to be made that allowed a deeper anchoring into the stories of the hearts unfolding…
10 Bridging worlds and sharing ‘Story’ in this way, produced the sharing of an abundance of creative visions, that previously lay dormant in the collective unconscious… Through Story, this abundance of shared visions and ideas manifested the capacity to see a greater picture of a world where all had their needs met, lives of abundance for all beings, perfecting a world of sharing, allowing the needs of one to be met by another, and vice versa around the surface of this whole globe we stand upon… A greater picture based on the impermanence of life that encouraged taking flight to share ones gifts, making the most of this moments’ gift of creation… And so she shared ‘Story’ far and wide, mastering the gift of story-teller, networker, vision-dancer…
11 She found that at times with her outreach, she would feel over-exposed and unfocused with so many influences, and so it became her practise at these times to put up boundaries and focus internally asking questions as to the why and how of human relations, and indeed relations with all of creation… And came to understand that the path of facing the greatest fear and walking fearlessly was the path of the journey into Self… And through gifting herself this strongest journey into the depth of Self, her emotional intelligence grew…
12 Through this deep inner journey of freedom and liberation, she came to understand the flow of evolutionary thought through time, and was able to listen to people and understand where their thoughts originated, hence being able to assist with the cleansing of individual and group conditioning… If she became stuck in her search, she would just need to listen for the flow of synchronicity to pick up again to be heading down the right path, and so her sharing of Story grew, as she came to understand the evolution of Time and share it with community…
13 And so as greater truths came to her, the rightness of it reflected in her being… Her presence was as an initiator of paths, an opener of doors into pure essence, gifted in her capacity to deliver messages of truth and spiritual law, reflected in each being she met… She became a reflection of the endless order of Spirits words, uttering them in perfect response to the moments unfolding…
And so it is the path of the Worldbridger wavespell, these 13 days where we get to explore what it is to let go, and let god, as we weave the web of connection, networking and opening doors for each other … Oh blessed be and enjoy the journey…
This is the cycle I was born into, so if any are called to receive sessions where the capacity to reflect truths of the path you presently walk, or walking in this life, is what is called for, do not hesitate to contact me for a SESSION… Here, testimonials from others that have enjoyed the path…
Beloved Vasumi
I am deeply grateful for your divine words.
You confirm for me so beautifully where I have arrived, on the very morning that I have.
I love this life. I love you.
In divine love, light, laughter
Ma Siddhidhatri
So wonderful for me that you ‘get’ these words and the story they are telling… Bless