G’day divine beings of the New Time …

Today is what we call a PV day… There were 13 signs left on Pacal Votans tomb lid… and today is one of those signs, so rather than asking an external authority, what that means, enquire deeply within today and ask that same quest-i-on, if you are drawn to, and then perhaps share here on this forum…. I for one look forward to what is revealed collectively when all that are called to do this, do so…

So today we liberate the vision of the bigger picture, through following our instinct and feeling the reality of it first hand… All the work of the previous 10 days of perfecting the vision, is today released into the world, thru emerging in life first hand… releasing what it is to sit back to receive and watch by leaping before we look, into all sorts of intense situations, which show us the validity of the vision in action… Release, liberate and free up the built up energy…

Todays support is White Spectral Wizard, in the cycle of the Seed… Liberating the focus on the what is to come, by feeling deeply into the moments timeless energy… receptive to all the feelings that have been stirred up through our focus on a New Time, and allow ourselves to liberate these energies by being fully present here and now with what we are experiencing… allowing the new energies to settle in and anchor…

The challenge that strengthens today is Blue Spectral Eagle, in the cycle of the Serpent… To allow all energies that have built up around our survival and our primal need to survive to be released through feeling strongly ourselves as part of something much greater, as part of a huge field of consciousness that is not confined to this physical form…

The hidden gift of this day is Yellow Electric Warrior, guided by the Sun, in the cycle of the Wizard… it is interesting that all of the hidden gift energies of the Eagle wavespell are in the Wizard wavespell… Eagle flying brings the gift of rececptivity to many realms beyond what is seen… the more vision we receive, the more receptive we naturally become… hmm interesting….   So Electric Warrior is the activation of emotional intelligence guided by a strong call to independence… to shine our light indedpendantly which activates us to question all patterns that seek to bond with others, and to align our emotional body to what it is to solidly anchor ourselves directly without the need to find grounding or anchoring through anothers emotional body…

So beloveds let us dive into life today and allow the eagles vision to allow us to discern those experiences that help us to fly as we dive…

blessed be


3 Responses

    I really encourage all to share their revelations as it is all of us that share what we get, that gives as the greater picture….

    from Maya –
    releasing what it is to sit back and receive…or realizing?
    is this meaning…we are realizing the results of the perfect plan…
    that has us jumping into all these intense situations??

    Thankyou Maya… awesome insight as always…
    and everyone, just to let you know I have no attachment to what comes thru me, feel free to challenge it, expand on it, whatever comes thru you… much love to all..

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