Great to be back with you!
Today we begin a whole new Tzolkin cycle at Kin 1 – Red Magnetic Dragon, prepares for a 13-day cycle to birth the DIVINE FEMININE. Today is a portal day, where the dimensional doorways are OPEN – birthing new energy, activating the 260-day (9-month) Galactic Spin. Today is conception!!!
Such a powerful time we are in, with the eclipse season, planetary retrogrades and this being the last 13-day cycle of a 13-year cycle of Red Purification energy… Now is the TIME for the birth of the Feminine Divine …

The new 13-year cycle will begin in 13 days and I will be sharing with you again then, with the beginning of the New Year on July 26 with White Magnetic Wizard, the beginning of a new 13-year cycle anchoring a greater receptivity to the shamanic feminine…
In the 13-day Red Dragon cycle we are beginning today, each of the Kin numbers relates directly to the Tone and Glyph number – eg Kin 1 is made up of Tone 1 (Magnetic) and Glyph 1 (Dragon), as it also relates on the 13th day with Kin 13, the 13th tone – Cosmic and the 13th glyph – Skywalker… This is the only wavespell that does this, and as such it is the Wavespell which initiates Birth, bringing in the new consciousness, by focusing strongly on the step by step process of birthing… So here we go…
Kin 1, Red Magnetic Dragon (Jul 13)
Today the new is attracted with the ability-to-respond (true responsibility) to immediate needs… The 1st tone always operates on the time/spirit plane of experience. Initiating attraction, by magnetising the purpose for the rest of the wavespell… Red represents the element fire, and the Dragon nurtures and births, as the Great Mother… So in this cycle it is a great time to look at what wants to birth through you and be open for the new! Be ready to nurture and care with a responsibility to be 100% present with the needs of the moment in order to birth the new!
Kin 2, White Lunar Wind (Jul 14)
The 2nd day of the wavespell is experienced in the physical plane… Here we face the challenge to anchor the fire of birthing the new, through the breath. Allowing the wind to stabilise into the body, receptive to the physical as an open channel in which to birth through. It can be challenging to be deeply anchored in this way, yet the practice of breath is what birth calls for. A great day for yoga and any other physical focus that allows to ground deeply into breath, dance is also a great way, yet let the music that travels through you be rootsy, so that you get anchored and connected deeply into the body, open and receptive… We are indeed in preparation to birth the new…
Kin 3, Blue Electric Night (Jul 15)
The 3rd day is the day of energy activation, experienced through the sense/emotional plane (energy in motion)… With the fire anchored in the physical container, the energy begins to move, electrical charges move in the deep unconscious of our dreamtime. Activating fluidity of the feeling body. Deeply tapping a well-spring of abundant energy available from the depths of the collective unconscious, revealing all that must be healed in order to birth the new. Dreaming deep inside, a sense of AbunDance for all beings ignited. Diving deeper into what is hidden, facing the unconscious, making it conscious, serving to heal…

Kin 4, Yellow SelfExisting Seed (Jul 16, Full Moon)
The 4th day and we rise, defining the potential of where we can move to. Riding the abundant energy, freed from the depths, we set our sights on the highest potential of illumination that this birthing can ignite… The mind as a tool that targets the direction the energy will take, guided by the Sun, the light. The Seed rising from the roots of the deep earth, focusing towards what it will become in its highest illumination, co-creating with all consciousness, the highest point of flowering…
Kin 5, Red Overtone Serpent (Jul 17)
The 5th day of this Wavespell spirals forward again to the time/spirit dimension… Here the original purpose of Birthing radiates, as it has been received (Magnetic), grounded (Lunar), activated (Electric) and defined (SelfExisting)… The energy is now empowered to radiate out, with raw instinct and the expansion of pure life force, awakening in order to survive and thrive… The awakening of the coiling spiraling serpent energy takes command, fully present in the drama of life NOW!

Kin 6, White Rhythmic Worldbridger (Jul 18)
The 6th day of the wavespell brings balance thru surrendering to allow the intensity of the powerful life force to course through the body. Fully letting go, allowing the potent life force to bring the body into balance, relaxing, allowing a deep surrender to the bodies natural process… This energy is akin to death, to let go and let god/dess. Witnessing the physical reality equalising, a bridge opening an initiatory doorway to allow the New to Birth through us…
Kin 7, Blue Resonant Hand (Jul 19)
The 7th day, the sense plane becomes like a tuning fork, resonating an abundance of healing energy, transforming as the energy rises. Inspiration moves to accomplish change… Attuning to the birth process through transformative healing bubbling up… The grandeur of knowing the enormity of this change, allows opening to channel the energies ever more potently…
Kin 8, Yellow Galactic Star (Jul 20)
The 8th day integrates the change through choosing wisely the most creative thoughts, that insure the most positive outcome. Calling on the ancestral indigenous wisdom of the ancient Mothers, to model our minds with the most beautiful harmonic thoughts… The mind as a tool, choosing to follow the most harmonic patterns, allowing those choices to create thought forms that harmonise with the most elegant creation…
Kin 9, Red Solar Moon (Jul 21)
The 9th day of the cycle brings the timely pulse. Purifying life force flowing… Universal water, guided by pure instinct… Spiritual energy enters the integrated birth process… The purity of the pulsing flow birthing revelation of the pure instinctive process, realising the unavoidable intention to birth… Every spinal nerve-ending receiving the purifying waters that allow the pulse…

Kin 10, White Planetary Dog (Jul 22)
On the 10th day the e-merging love as the physical manifestation births as family, through the birth canal… The stripped devotion to the bare bones of the most profound love the physical can know, heightened by harmonic hormones, this energy reflects the perfect place for love to land in the physical world… The baby is born in whichever guise it takes… Here is the heart reflecting the perfection of love and connection embodied in the New…
Kin 11, Blue Spectral Monkey (Jul 23)
The 11th day brings release, all built up energies released in the pure joy of creation… The inner-sense at the wonder of the magical codes of birth… The monkey, the playful one liberating love, to be amazed with the patterns of consciousness that are felt brightly and lightly in our sense… The freedom of trusting to play after a such a huge process… Liberated in honouring patterns that allow archetypal energies to continually be born and re-born… This is the signature of Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan, the closer of the cycle and initiator of reading the codes that re-birthed this harmonic matrix in this present NOW…
Kin 12, Yellow Crystal Human (Jul 24)
The 12th step gifts the highest level of mind, the capacity to operate with other mind in co-operation… With no agenda, sharing and honouring all that has influenced the birth process. Honoring all those that came before and birthed through this same process. A deep respect of human culture is born. Honouring the role of elders, culture and community, choosing to focus on the highest potential reality for this new birth…
Kin 13, Red Cosmic Skywalker (Jul 25, Day Out Of Time DOOT)
The 13th and final step in this cyclical process is the state of pure being… Super-expanded and awake, exploring the cosmic connections. Listening to receive its praises and comprehend where life comes from, the cycles of evolution that is revealed in this process of birthing in the micro-cosm as in the macro-cosm… Blessed awakening!

WOW what a journey… I trust that your next 13 days will be potent and activated as we collectively birth the new in this eclipse cycle. This first 13-days birthing this new 260-day cycle… 260 days is the time from conception to birth, so in that process we have just conceived the new that will take place in this the most evolved time yet, simply because it is NOW!
July 26 not only births a new 13-day Wavespell, it births a New Year, with the heliacal rising of Sirius and a new 13-Year cycle that initiates the receptive anchoring of the Divine Feminine… It is about TIME!
To celebrate the TIME we are in, I am offering 2 for 1 Mayan Dreamspell sessions until the Day Out of Time on July 25, Day Out Of Time, to birth these new times and support my journey to Palenque, the Mayan Temple that these codes were born from. To gather with others who walk the path of Natural Time for Memory Retrieval... I am ever grateful to be mutually supportive by diving deep into these codes to uncover your powerful essence and dust of the cobwebs of colonial conditioning to support you to take bright, light steps forward with purpose and passion…
To learn more about the codes in order to track natural time for yourself, receive these lessons in Webinars …
With love of the most high and the most deep BlesSings…
In Lake’ch
Vasumi, Kin 71, Blue Rhythmic Monkey – here to initiate from one world to another through playing with the codes of pure MAGIC!
I was looking for information on Solar Moon Kali 25
Kin 2, White Lunar Wind. I’ll continue to seek!
I found out about you from, a social networking hub
where the Law of Time and the Mayan Calendar are discussed. The links directed me to your YT videos. Thanx.
Yes if you place White Lunar Wind in this website and hit on the titles, they will open up… Also as you say, do the same on my channel… And yes am connected to Galactic Spacebook and LOT… We all work together as Kin.