Today we face the challenge of anchoring spiritual harmony on the planet, thru taking responsibility for cleansing the waters of our planet… In todays climate where those that are afflicted with a big dose of greed, are blind to the importance of the cleanliness of our waters, we do face this challenge quite strongly…

The challenge to anchor the harmony in our own bodies is synonimous with this, in that our connection to the harmonic grid is heightened when we nurture our bodies, our physical vehicles to be pure, to be cleansed, to allow our sensitivities to flow with a receptivity to the heightened frequencies… We must purify our bodies to all this, we must purify the waters of our bodies and our Earths body in order to anchor the heightened frequencies that are being made available to us…

Interesting that at this time on the planet where there is an influx of heightened harmonic frequency, there is also a stronger push to pollute our waters by the polarity energy on the planet that is interested in using up all the resources of our planet, in order to drive cars… The level of push right now to create mines for coal seam gas, natural gas and oil rigs is greater than ever before, amidst a time when each of these actions is seen by all people to create great catastrophic disasters on our planet…. hmmmm well it is a day of polarity today… we must look to the polarities that are in the way of anchoring the New Time… It is time to flow with our responsibilities to the New Time…

The support energy today is White Lunar Dog, guided by the Wind, in the wavespell of the Moon… so again the Waters are important, and we are supported to anchor the flow of purification by getting together with good friends and family, and communicating from our hearts, by breathing together, being guided by our breath, sharing yoga together, practises that align us to our breath, the simple voice in and out of spirit…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Blue Lunar Storm, guided by the Monkey, in the wavespell of the Mirror… To anchor the right alignment, that is the pure reflection of truth, by trusting what it is to push the boundaries that frees up stuck energy, in order to realign into a more perfect pattern… The chaos that comes when we cut away that that is held in formations that do not serve the perfect order of consciousness…

Todays hidden gift is Yellow Crystal Human, guided by the Seed, in the wavespell of the Dragon… Again the response-ability has birthed commUnity of wise humans, focussing collectively  and guided by the potential of what it is when we all answer to our response-abilities… A humanity that is consciously and collectively choosing to base its choices on the highest potential that we can co-create…

blessed be this day and the fire that allows us to flow with our responsibilities to co-creating harmony on Earth…


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